Friday, February 5, 2010

Feature - Wedding (Chocolate) Cake - poem

Clients of ours in 2005 - our first year in business! - were very excited about the wedding cake they has ordered. So excited, that they found this poem, and included it in their program. They mentioned they took one creative liberty by adding the word 'chocolate' at the end. :)

I thought it was incredibly cute, so I asked them to email me a copy. I printed it out, and as I type this, I am looking at a piece of paper that is 5 years old - I have finally found a purpose for it!

At this point I will dare to confess, that, despite making a living in the wedding industry, I really don't get sick of wedding 'stuff'. Like watching wedding related shows.

Like Ace Of Cakes. People who creatively work with food fascinate me. If you haven't seen it, really, you should. I''m not a TV junkie, but I do try and make time for Duff and Mary Alice Thursdays at 10pm. ;)

Enjoy reading the poem, and in the meantime, here are a few pretty chocolate wedding cakes to ogle. :)

A wedding is a party with,
Of course a wedding cake.
But sometimes by the time it comes,
It's hard to stay awake.

People need to talk a lot,
And laugh and joke and kiss,
And cry - why do they cry? - and mention
God and love and bliss.

Two people have decided that,
They'll share one house for life,
And call themselves, instead of friends,
A husband and a wife.

And so we have to get dressed up,
And eat a lot and wait
For hours 'til they finally serve
The great big (chocolate) wedding cake.

Author Unknown

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