Friday, May 28, 2010

One of the Coolest Invitations Ever!

ailing Steven and I, or Matt and Lauren, a wedding invitation is not mandatory, just so you know, or even necessary. (We do like to receive an invite if the wedding is out of town - it is always good to a have a hard copy to take with us in these situations.)

This year, it does seem that we have received many from our 2010 clients, and we are always appreciative of this inclusive gesture. I love opening mail: it is a tangible and old-fashioned reminder that someone is thinking of you. :) And it makes us feel that we are more than just a vendor providing a service at your wedding.... but again, this is not necessary.

We have received many beautiful invites: classy invites with ribbon and transparent overlays; bi-fold and tri-fold variations; invites with embossed script and floral designs. So much fun, and we thank you for including in us in your mailing list.

When we received Elizabeth and Justin's invite my jaw dropped and I couldn't wait to show Steve when he got home from work. (Like a little kid showing off a picture they painted in school, haha.)

What caught my eye first, was the very creative and contemporary lay out of the invite. A very methodical design, indeed! The three colours used are the three colours they are incorporating into the wedding day: red, blue, and a lime (light) green. Each coloured card had a purpose: the red one is the main invite, the green one is labeled 'Ceremony', and the blue one is labeled 'Reception'. On the back of each card there is an incredible map - which also blew me away - and other FYI's.

The picture on the front of the couple holding hands? That's them! It is one of our 'walking away' pictures we took during their engagement session. How smart is that?!

The three inserts came with a simple white ribbon around them to hold them together.

I called Elizabeth that evening because a) I am really nosy and needed to 'know', and b) to ask if the creator of this lovely invite would like some advertising.

As it turns out, a good friend of theirs designed the invitation, and would like to remain anonymous because they are not looking for extra work - sorry!

Yet, I share this with you all, just in case you haven't thought about your invitation yet, and there is still time to get creative and ponder your options.

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