Friday, June 25, 2010

A Light Hearted and Fun Engagement Session!

Adam and Amber are awesome.

Amber's Cape Breton personality is big and fun and spirited.

They live just down the road from us, and we met them at their house to start their e-session.

We didn't know there would be a 6 week raccoon to photograph!

'Smokey' was nosy and curious about our gear (see pics below).

I think, he think,s he is a dog.

Smokey's mama died on the road, and I can't remember how they came across the baby raccoon. Suffice to say, Adam has raised and released two raccoons before, so the little guy is in good hands!

Zoe and Molson, Adam and Amber's two other fur children, are so gentle with the little 'coon, despite its small size. The raccoon keeps up with the dogs in the yard, following them all over the place. They were even rolling on their backs and gnawing gently on each other - too funny!

What a blast!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Guestbook Album in Use

Tuesday, June 8, 2010